Course Outline


  1. Introduction to web analytics

    1. The origins of web analytics
    2. Meaning of web analytics in marketing strategy
    3. Review of available analytics platforms
    4. Introduction to Piwik PRO
  2. User sessions and tracked events

    1. How does the data appear in the reports?
    2. Definitions and understanding of sessions and events
    3. Review of event types:
      1. Page Views
      2. Internal Searches
      4. Outlinks
      5. Custom Events
      6. Content Impressions and Interactions
      7. Goal Conversions
    4. Session tracking and tracker debugging
      1. Session log
      2. Tracker debugger
  3. Basic KPIs and their meaning

    1. Review of most important Web Analytics KPIs:
      1. Sessions
      2. Page Views
      3. Unique visitors / Users
      4. Bounce rate
      5. Returning visitors rate
    2. Using KPIs in analysis of the results
  4. Reporting

    1. Devices reports
    2. Traffic sources reports
    3. Reports of website pages browsed
    4. Reports of specific events
    5. Segmentation of the reports
    6. Comparing segments and time periods 
  5. Conversions

    1. Understanding and tracking conversions
    2. Reporting conversions and related metrics
    3. Reporting capabilities related to conversions
  6. Custom reports

    1. Creating your own reports
    2. Explorer type of report as an universal analytics tool
    3. User Flow and analysis of user journeys
    4. Funnel report and using it for analyzing conversion paths
    5. Dashboards and widgets
  7. Additional configurations

    1. Custom Dimensions - what are they and examples of usage
    2. Dimension Value Grouping for custom and standard dimensions
    3. Usage of calculated metrics
    4. Custom channel grouping
    5. Scheduling email reports & alerts
  8. Additional reports

    1. Heatmaps - installation and ways of working
    2. Google Search - how to integrate, available data and reporting limitations
    3. Google Ads - integration and data analysis
    4. Website performance reports
  9. Users and permissions management

    1. Creation and management of user accounts
    2. Understanding permission hierarchy in Piwik PRO
    3. Assigning permissions and permission management
    4. User groups
    5. Permissions for modules
    6. Audit Log
  10. Reports and raw data APIs

    1. Introduction to Piwik PRO API
    2. Examples of API usage
    3. Using HTTP clients like Postman or Insomnia

Consent Manager

  1. What is Consent Manager and what you need it for

    1. Role of data processing messages
    2. History and introduction to GDPR
    3. Goal of having Consent Manager and its functions
    4. Good and bad practices - examples
  2. Configuration of Consent Manager on your website

    1. Interface layout
    2. Message content - capabilities and law regulations
    3. Decision categories
    4. Support for multiple languages
  3. Limitations related to anonymous data tracking

    1. Binding the identity between visits
    2. Accuracy of the data


Implementation aspects

  1. Settings of a specific website in Piwik PRO

    1. Review and explanation of global website settings
  2. Installing the code on the website

    1. Implementation of JS snippet
    2. CORS configuration
    3. Environment parameterization
  3. Consent Manager configuration

    1. Ability to build your own consent UI or integrate it with an already existing mechanism.
  4. Tracker configuration

    1. Proper configuration of domains and cookies
    2. Additional tracker configurations

Tag Manager

  1. How does the browser work

    1. Parts of the website address (URL)
    2. How the page is loaded into the browser
  2. What are tags

    1. Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    2. HTML document structure (head, body + files)
    3. Role of tags in creating and modifying websites.
    4. Examples of HTML tags
  3. Basics of using JavaScript in the browser

    1. Basics of JavaScript syntax
    2. Console.log and debugging your code
    3. Functions, events and user interactions
    4. Document and window objects, DOM elements
    5. Using querySelector i querySelectorAll
    6. Additional useful methods
  4. What is Tag Manager

    1. The role and functions of Tag Manager
    2. Concept of managing tags, triggers and variables
    3. How the Tag Manager is loaded onto a website
    4. DataLayer - introduction and usage
  5. Methods of Page Views tracking

    1. Tracking Page Views for classic pages that reload
    2. Tracking Page Views for single page apps and SPA type of websites
    3. Tracking on demand - Virtual Page Views
    4. Configuration for reporting based on URL anchors
  6. Tags

    1. Custom JavaScript tags
    2. Piwik PRO features tags
    3. External integrations tags
    4. Dynamic HTML changes using tags
  7. Triggers

    1. Basic triggers: URL, click
    2. Detecting clicks and its limitations
    3. Advanced triggers: element presence, running tags through dataLayer
  8. Variables

    1. Using “Click Element” variable
    2. Creating functions in variables
    3. Resolving issues with variables
    4. Running tags basing on variables
  9. Changelog and publication workflow

    1. Changelog and version control
    2. Testing the changes using debug cookie
    3. Process of implementing and publishing the tags
  10. Advanced solutions

    1. Customisation of website HTML - Content Tracking example
    2. Triggers based on dataLayer events
    3. Optimisation and performance of the Tag Manager
  11. Best practices and case studies

    1. Review of best practices to use when implementing the Tag Manager
    2. Analysis of specific use cases
    3. Ups and downs of Tag Manager implementations
  12. Summary and discussion

    1. Summary of the Tag Manager knowledge
    2. Q&A
    3. Discussion about experiences related to implementation and usage of Tag Management Systems


Delegates should have a basic understanding of marketing and website development. It is helpful to have some experience with HTML, CSS, and/or JavaScript, although this is not essential.

Delegates should also have a basic awareness of web analytics and its role in marketing strategy.

It is recommended that delegates have access to a Piwik PRO account before attending the course.

 14 Hours

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Price per participant

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