- Power BI 功能和架構概述
- 進階工具與資料分析Power BI
- 安裝 Power BI 和其他元件
- 提高效率的數據策略
- DAX 語言基礎知識
- 查詢和聚合數據
- R 集成和 M 查詢
- 匯入和傳輸數據
- 透視和取消透視數據
- 轉置和聯接數據表
- 有關高級功能的提示和技巧
- 使用表和維度
- 定義數據粒度
- 使用關係和基數
- 使用 DAX 建立度量值
- 優化模型以提高性能
- 修復建模中的常見問題
使用 DAX 的高級規則和計算
- 使用公式創建表
- 應用條件函數
- 篩選多個表
- 使用斷開連接的表
- 在 DAX 中使用變數
- 計算和篩選上下文
- 使用動態度量
- Power BI 中的視覺化類型
- 自定義視覺元素
- 創建 Power BI 個地圖可視化效果
- 使用 R 建立 Power BI 個視覺物件
- 在報表中使用篩選器和切片器
- 增強報表的視覺元素
- 使用Power Automate 創建自動化流
- 在報表中創建 Q&A 視覺物件
- 優化行動裝置的儀錶板
- 設計有效儀錶板的提示
在 Power BI 中使用嵌入式分析
- 設置 Analytics 環境
- 探索 Power BI REST API 和用戶端 API
- 實際範例和用例
- 經驗 Power BI
- 熟悉DAX語言
- Business 分析師
- 數據分析師
- 開發人員
96% de satisfaction 客戶
客戶評論 (5)
Johann's experience is very relevant and I particularly appreciated his efforts to share with us his experience on what commonly works best, and the common pitfalls of dashboards preparation.
Eduardo Pinto - European Space Agency
Course - Advanced Power BI
The engagement and approach Johann took on the course was quite adequate, as well as adaptable to the audience and progress made.
Isidro de Paz - European Space Agency
Course - Advanced Power BI
The time spent on data modeling. As most of the persons are not IT, it is good for everyone to know the implication of the relationships and the useful star concept
Filipe Fernandes - European Space Agency
Course - Advanced Power BI
get to know the trainees first in order to better adapt the training, details about SharePoint, Good habits to implement BI
Lisboa Abel Vilanculos - Electricidade de Mocambique
Course - Advanced Power BI
What I liked the most was the coach's openness regarding the change in content as well as the approach that was previously prepared to accommodate our real needs