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Thank you for sending your booking! One of our team members will contact you shortly.
什麼是領域驅動設計 (DDD)
- 構建領域知識
- 對共同語言的需求
- 創建通用語言
- 模型驅動設計的構建塊
- 分層架構
- 實體
- 值物件
- 服務業
- 模組
- 集 料
- 工廠
- 存儲庫
- 持續重構
- 將關鍵概念變為現實
- 邊界上下文
- 持續集成
- 上下文映射
- 共用內核
- 客戶-供應商
- 墨守成規
- 防腐層
- 分道揚鑣
- 開放主機服務
- 蒸餾
14 時間:
客戶評論 (5)
That we could you real life examples
Elria Slabber - Glacier by Sanlam
Course - Introduction to Domain Driven Design
His is well versed on the subject and has good domain knowledge.
Bonke Tshongweni - Glacier by Sanlam
Course - Introduction to Domain Driven Design
We received a lot of information that gives us an idea how complex DDD can be. That requires us to do more research and read a lot for us to become expert - and that is the reality. We did a lot of small and medium exercises.
Phoebe Mailwane - Glacier by Sanlam
Course - Introduction to Domain Driven Design
I enjoyed the interaction of the group to solve the issues.
Evan O'Gorman
Course - Introduction to Domain Driven Design
I really enjoyed the real examples and exercises.