
Oracle Database 19c PL and Advanced SQL

28 時間:

Milvus: Open-Source Vector Database for AI Applications

21 時間:

Pinecone: Vector Database Solutions for AI

21 時間:

Mastering Vector Databases for Scalable AI Solutions

14 時間:

Database Design and Programming with SQL

21 時間:

PL/SQL in Oracle 19c

21 時間:

Mastering Oracle APEX 23-24: Workflows and Security

21 時間:

Introduction to SQL Server 2022 Integration Services (SSIS)

28 時間:

Introduction to Vector Databases

14 時間:

Cost Analysis with Presto COST IT Module

14 時間:

Oracle SQL for beginners

21 時間:

ORACLE SQL Fundamentals

14 時間:

ORACLE PL/SQL Fundamentals

21 時間:

Oracle SQL Intermediate

14 時間:

Oracle SQL Advanced

14 時間:

Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus

7 時間:

Oracle SQL for development and database management

35 時間:

Oracle SQL Intermediate - Data Extraction

14 時間:

Migrating Oracle to Azure SQL or PostgreSQL

7 時間:

Data Management

35 時間:

SAP ASE for Database Administrators

28 時間:

Pivotal Greenplum for Developers

21 時間:

MarkLogic Server

14 時間:

Hasura GraphQL Engine

14 時間:

Blazegraph: Creating a Graph Database Application

21 時間:

Beyond the Relational Database: Neo4j

21 時間:

Building Graph Databases with Neo4j AuraDB

14 時間:

NoSQL Database with Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB

14 時間:

Developing Applications with Oracle Application Express (APEX)

21 時間:

Business Intelligence with SSAS

14 時間:

Introduction to SQL Server 2012 Integration Services (SSIS)

28 時間:

Administration with Powershell

35 時間:

Developing in SQL Server Business Intelligence

35 時間:

ClickHouse Fundamentals

14 時間:

SQLite Fundamentals

14 時間:

MongoDB Atlas Fundamentals

14 時間:

Prometheus Fundamentals

14 時間:

Distributed Data Processing and Storage with Hazelcast

14 時間:

Change Data Capture (CDC) with Debezium

14 時間:

Presto for Data Science

14 時間:

Mastering LINQ with C#

14 時間:

Firebase Fundamentals

14 時間:

Serverless Cloud Based Mobile and Web Development with Firebase

28 時間:

Building Interactive Applications with React, Redux and GraphQL

28 時間:

GraphQL Basics

7 時間:

React, Relay, and GraphQL

14 時間:

Oracle SQL Language

14 時間:

Oracle 11g - SQL language for administrators - workshops

21 時間:

Oracle 11g - SQL language for developers - Workshop

35 時間:

Oracle 11g - Programming with PL / SQL I - Workshops

28 時間:

Oracle 11g - Programming with PL / SQL II

21 時間:

Last Updated:


Upcoming Courses

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