Ethics and Protocol
7 時間:Critical Thinking
14 時間:Hosting Online Meetings
7 時間:Burnout
7 時間:Change management
14 時間:Design Thinking
4 時間:Creativity in thinking
7 時間:Company Values
4 時間:Win Win Negotiation Skills
14 時間:Mindfulness Workshop
14 時間:Managing Remote Teams
7 時間:Self Time Management
14 時間:Leadership 101
7 時間:Advisory & Leadership Skills
14 時間:Coaching Skills
7 時間:Women in Leadership
7 時間:Team Building and Management
14 時間:Influence in Action
14 時間:People and Team Management
21 時間:Team Collaboration
7 時間:Public Speaking 101
14 時間:Last Updated:
Course - Burnout
綜合反饋: 第二天最初被認為太長了,然後受到觀眾的讚賞,他們可以將所學知識付諸實踐。 觀眾很欣賞這樣一個事實,即他們可以選擇一個主題來更好地展示,這是他們的核心工作 拿走作弊單和清晰的框架來構建演示文稿真的很好 在這兩天里,以不同的方式工作是受歡迎的。 兩天都非常吸引人的培訓師 一位觀眾特別感謝:“我真的很喜歡它,尤其是互動課程,我們可以立即獲得反饋並可以圍繞它進行練習,我覺得這非常有教育意義。也請分享我對Liz的感激之情,我認為她是一位出色的培訓師,我喜歡她在整個研討會中的人性化方法。
NIcolas Arrive - Recharge.com Enterprise B.V.
Course - Delivering a PowerPoint Presentation that Sells
薩馬特 Goal 和談判概念
Withaya - Babcock Power (Thailand)
Course - Negotiation Skills
SMART Goal 課程是培訓中最愉快的部分,它説明我正確管理我的時間。它説明我更清楚地設定目標,我真的可以看到設置SMARTGoal幾乎可以與所有事情相關,例如 Finance、社交生活、職業和個人成長。
Manot Sae - MVCI (Thailand) Limited
Course - Workshop: Boost your productivity with this new method!
Mona Liza - IT
Course - Effective interpersonal communication with elements of assertiveness
由於它是 1:1,因此內容的個人化。
Patricia - Embraer
Course - Influencing and Avoiding Conflict
Carole - Axway
Course - Communicating and Influencing For Team Members
Jelizaveta (Liza) - ASSTRA Forwarding AG
Course - Stress Management and Prevention
Agnieszka - AXA XL
Course - Business Communication Skills
Style of trainer although at time very fast and leaving littel rom for thinking. (not all can follow at his pace)
Paul - GEA Refrigeration Netherlands N.V. IT
Course - Communication and Teamwork
all topics from list were addressed but trainer adapt it to the question from the group
Iwona - LKQ Polska Sp. z o. o.
Course - Team Building and Management
examples from trainer's daily life like some stories, anectodes and jokes
Aleksandra Krupa - LKQ Polska Sp. z o. o.
Course - Różnice międzykulturowe w pracy zespołowej
Explains well the topic.
Gilbert Pineda - Quartzelec Ltd (Philippines Branch)
Course - Leadership 101
Adam was very knowledgeable and had a great layout.
Corey Reis - Lockheed Martin
Course - Advanced Slide Design in PowerPoint
Clearly explained theory combined with trainer enthusiastically recounting his past experience, making the concepts much more relatable / memorable. Friendly and passionate trainer.
Jacob Tan - Singapore Management University
Course - Leadership Development for Engineers
Ákos Hegyi - BioLife Plazma Hungary Kft. / Sanaplasma Kft.
Course - Conflict Resolution, Assertiveness and Self Confidence
zherald ametlli - SPOC S.A.
Course - Efektywna komunikacja interpersonalna i rozwiązywanie konfliktów
關於影像格式和範本的一些小技巧 - 非常有用的:)
Natalia Wawrzyniak - Akademia Morska w Szczecinie
Course - Advanced MS PowerPoint
Info about RPA, AI and IoT.
Jubilee Petil - Accenture Inc.
Course - Digital Transformation: Disrupting the Common Delivery of the Common Business Landscape
Reflecting own my self to learn others
Roy Dekker - Axway GmbH
Course - People and Team Management
It had a lot of practical exercises
Fernando Sousa - GMV Innovating Solutions Sp. z o.o.
Course - Effective communication skills
the pace, the information provided. the way it as taught with theory and practice cases, handouts, exercises, etc.
Carlos Abascal - Hewlett-Packard Centro de Servicios Globales, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Course - Influence in Action
We could practice on real situation and Helen gave to me a lot of practical tips.
Elisa Venturini
Course - Assertiveness
The team vs. team exercise. It made me cognizant of the negative behaviours of my strong areas.
Jordan Ruegg
Course - Building an Effective Team with Belbin Team Roles
I generally was benefit from the interaction and flexibility.